Childhood Trauma Clearing and Negative Entity Clearing

This is an intense energy clearing session composed of 2 different types of clearing: childhood trauma and overall negative entity

Childhood Trauma Clearing: Reiki will be working on the receiver’s energy through the time of conception, gestation, birth, and post-birth. This can include relationships between the parents, ancestral issues, experiences in the womb, and birth traumas. This Experience is also helpful in working on the sacral chakra's energies and relationships between the receivers and their parents.

Negative Entity Clearing: This is a special Reiki technique to release any unwanted spirits, entities, energy attachments from places and living beings. In this process, the unwanted energy/spirit is surrounded by God’s love and light, shining on the spirit with forgiveness. This is a very effective, powerful, safe, and gentle way to release attachments and receive healing for both parties.

When: June 16 6pm-7:30pm AST
Where: Virtually through Zoom
Energy Exchange: $25 via e-transfer to contact@vivithai.ca or reserve with Eventbrite

Capricorn Full Moon Ritual with Reiki

In this full moon ritual, you'll be guided to an emotional blockage release through journaling, then receive 2 different Reiki experiences

When: June 21 7pm-9pm AST
Where: Virtually through Zoom
Energy Exchange: $33 via e-transfer to contact@vivithai.ca or reserve with Eventbrite

This is a special full moon ritual event. This event is great for those who would like to work with the moon energy for manifestation, enhance their spiritual growth, or those that are simply just curious about Reiki. This event is composed of 4 sections:

  1. Blockage Identification (30-45mins): In this section, I will guide you through a process of identifying 3 fears or blockages that prevent you from achieving what you want in life.

  2. Blockage Release (20-30mins): In this section, I will conduct Holy Fire Reiki to release the blockages that we identify above.

  3. Divine Love and Heart Opening (20-30mins): In this section, I will conduct another Reiki experience to help you open your heart, feeling more safe and supported. This energy will help you heal further healing the emotional traumas that were identified

  4. Circle sharing (15-30mins): this section is open for those who would like to share their experiences after receiving Reiki or having questions.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual practice that embraces individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their religion or spiritual beliefs, even atheists. It is important to note that Reiki is not affiliated with any specific religion. Reiki can be learned by anyone, and can be practiced throughout one's entire life. Once a person receives a Reiki attunement, this ability remains with them indefinitely. To become a skilled and effective Reiki practitioner, all one needs to do is incorporate Reiki into their daily life and allow the universal energies to flow through them. By doing so, a unique and individual connection with these energies is formed, enabling the individual to become a powerful channel for Reiki.

By embracing these powerful energies, you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. These energies work harmoniously to cleanse and purify your personal energy, elevating your vibrations to new heights. As a result, your intuition will be sharpened, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with ease and clarity. Additionally, these energies act as a protective shield, safeguarding you from negative influences and allowing you to fully embrace your inner gifts and talents. Through the practice of Reiki, you will establish a deeper connection with your Higher Self and Authentic Self, aligning your actions with your heart's desires. Moreover, you will cultivate a profound connection with your spirit guides, receiving their guidance and wisdom along your journey. Simultaneously, you will remain firmly rooted in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth, providing a solid foundation for your spiritual growth.

Reiki is a powerful tool that allows us to tap into our personal energies and heal deep-rooted traumas and fears. By working through these emotional blocks, we are able to find a renewed sense of confidence and happiness. Reiki goes beyond just healing the physical body; it also helps us connect with our Authentic Spirit, reminding us of the limitless love, gifts, capabilities, and wisdom that reside within each of us. Through this practice, we are able to unlock our true potential and live a more fulfilling and empowered life.

I have been learning Reiki since early 2020, and it has been a gradual process that has led me to where I am today: a Reiki Master Teacher in the Holy Fire Reiki Lineage. My journey with Reiki has been on and off for the past 4 years. Initially, I was introduced to traditional Usui Reiki through an online teacher I found on Udemy. Surprisingly, the entire course only cost $11. Being skeptical about "woowoo energy healing," I was taken aback by the power of the attunements. I could feel an incredible amount of energy flowing through me, creating a sensation that is difficult to put into words. What's even more fascinating is that I completed all three levels of attunement in just one session with a teacher whom I never even met. The session was conducted remotely, completely online, without the need for a phone call. All I had to do during the appointment was lay down and allow myself to receive the energy of Reiki. Initially, I was unsure if I should take it seriously, as there was very limited interaction with the teacher throughout the course. However, the energy that I felt during the session was truly astonishing. It exceeded my expectations, and I realized that it wasn't a scam after all.

After completing an online Reiki course, I began practicing on myself but didn't experience much energy flow through my hands. This lack of results left me feeling discouraged, especially considering the limited interaction I had with the teacher. Doubts crept in regarding the authenticity of the Reiki attunement I had received. However, after approximately a month, I noticed a heightened intuition, which sparked my curiosity to delve deeper into Reiki.

To leave my curiosity and doubt at rest, I decided to try in-person Reiki sessions to determine if there would be any noticeable difference. I discovered a Reiki teacher in Montreal who kindly agreed to meet with me despite the chaotic circumstances of the Covid lockdown. Without a doubt, she was an outstanding Reiki instructor. Her knowledge, enthusiasm, and compassion made her the ideal energy healing teacher I was seeking. Through her teaching and guidance, I felt a newfound encouragement to pursue my journey with energy healing and let go of any doubts regarding its authenticity. The attunement process with her was incredibly powerful, resulting in an enhanced intuition and a profound sense of elevated consciousness. I am truly grateful for her guidance. This experience also helped me to realize the importance of connection between a teacher and a student during the learning process. Even though, knowledge is what a student is seeking, a teacher should never undermine the connection with the student even through remote learning.

My initial intention with Reiki was purely for my personal healing, and I never expected it to become a business. I was unsure if being a healer was the right path for me. However, everything changed when my father became severely ill with various forms of dementia. During my visit to Vietnam, I offered to perform Reiki on him. To our surprise, both of us were amazed by the incredible power of Reiki and how it helped him heal. After just one session, he felt a tremendous surge of energy as it detoxified his body. Even when I returned to Canada, I continued to provide distance healing for him. My father was always astounded by the energy he received and it left him in a state of wonderment.

Even though I couldn't completely heal him with Reiki due to the layers and complexity of his multiple illnesses, this alternative therapy has provided some relief for my father during this difficult time. It has given him hope and somehow alleviated his emotional and physical pain, considering his weakened legs that no longer allow him to walk as before. Being dependent on others for every task can be challenging, but Reiki has brought some comfort to his life. Assisting my father in his healing journey has made me realize the incredible power of Reiki, prompting me to share this gift with others. Witnessing the positive impact it has had on someone's well-being brings me a profound sense of fulfillment. Consequently, I have decided to further enhance my Reiki skills by becoming a Master Teacher and share this gift with more people.

As I contemplated the decision to embark on the journey of becoming a healer, meeting my Reiki guide in a meditation has helped to make it clear for me. To my astonishment, during this meditation, Jesus appeared before me with open arms, radiating love and acceptance. This encounter left me speechless, as I had never considered myself connected to Jesus or associated with Christianity since I distanced myself from the Catholic church. I am still in aw as I am writing about this experience. I had zero expectation that I would see Jesus, neither had I had any mingling idea about him being my Reiki guide.

The overwhelming emotions flooded over me upon seeing him, I ran over like a kid and hugged him tight, he felt like a dear friend or a long-lost relative. So much tears of joy flew through me. I really had no idea that I would have such reactions or emotions upon seeing him. With loving gestures, he affirmed my chosen path and encouraged me to embrace my gifts. He assured that I will not be a lone in this mission, he will work with me and through me with everyone that I heal. He put one of his hands on my forehead, at my 3rd eye, and I felt a flow of energy run through my head, along my frontal sinus. I believe this sensation is an agreement between me and him that whenever I feel this sensation it means he's nearby or that he needs to communicate with me. I could be in denial of the images I saw in my meditation that it is just my imagination but the sensation I felt around my 3rd eye was real because this sensation slowly disappeared as I left the meditation. Although I am still in the process of discovering the true nature of these gifts, Jesus' presence has given me the confirmation I needed on this path of being a healer and a teacher just like him in the past.

I continued to receive so many downloads the following day. These downloads shed more light on my life path, making it one of the most profound meditation experiences I have ever had. The confirmation of my path continued to resonate with me for several days, and it comes through various forms such as tarot messages, and a karmic DNA reading from a friend, all conveying the same message. This solidified the fact that the message I received during my meditation was unquestionably true. Furthermore, during this powerful meditation, I also received a download regarding the return of Jesus to assist humanity in this pivotal time of ascension.

My understanding is that he's working through us the healers, especially with this lineage of Holy Fire Reiki but not exclusively. That's the meaning of Christ return in the bible. And he has already returned. He can reach more people by working through us as we each can reach a lot of people. It's much more effective that way than him reincarnating in this physical body which is very limiting. However, I wouldn't say that can't be a possibility, anything can happen with multi dimensional realities. He can do a lot more on the other side, and can reach millions by working through us. It works like a pyramid structure. I also realize that's the reason why we're walking the path of Christ to be like him, to teach and heal. I have heard that many people are working with Jesus, but not in a million years I thought I would be working with him, because I have been detached from Christianity. I'm not against Christian, and never dislike Jesus, I always thought of him as an heroic figure, but just never thought I would have such a close connection to him until this meditation.

My Journey with Reiki

In this lineage of Holy Fire Reiki, we, the healers, are only the facilitator for the healing to take place. Reiki will flow directly to you, it's different from the traditional Reiki that it will flow through the practitioner then to the receiver. When the energy flow directly to you, there's no filter of the practitioner's energy, therefore the energy is much more pure and no distortion. So, you receive the full healing benefit of universal energy. It is also a much higher frequency than traditional Usui Reiki since it is an evolved version of Usui Reiki. In fact, there's a strong emphasis in this Reiki tradition that we need to surrender completely and let the Spirits do the work, our hands are completely off during the healing process. The energy will only flow when the facilitator states that he or she surrenders to the Spirits that do the work. Due to this nature, the practitioner and the receiver do not exchange energy or karma in anyway, which was a concern about Reiki practice in the past. The job of the practitioner or facilitator here is simply to open the portal through prayer to call the energy to flow. In order to have this ability, one needs to be attuned and trained to certain level of frequency.

In my observation and experience, the higher level you go with Reiki, the higher level of frequency you can reach, hence the more powerful flow of energy you will feel but the sensation is actually very subtle. In addition, the more frequently you use Reiki, the stronger it also flows.

As I am starting to offer my healing services, I leave it up to Spirits that guide me, and that if you feel the calling to work with me, it's only because your spirits have guided you here. It would be my honor to be the facilitator of your healing journey. As others before me has held my hand during my journey, let me now extend my hand to you, together we can reach the top of the mountain. This healing journey requires intensive amount of work, you will need a team in the spiritual plane as well as in this physical realm, no one can go through this alone. I may not be with you through your entire journey, but I will do all my best to help you whenever you are on your journey. If you're ready to do the work, to heal, to take back your power, to soar, to fly high, contact me below.


”Thank you for all the Reiki recordings. I used them daily for meditation. 1 to 4 times a day easily. I was also able to connect with my guides through the Reiki meditation. The Reiki for ancestral trauma was insanely powerful, so much energy moved. First, I felt the energy moved in my legs, feet, arms, and hands, then my torso, solar plexus, back to my hands, and then my pelvis area. Just overall movement of energy. After I finished the meditation, the energy continued to be charged and moving.”

- Constantin Morun

Host of "Unleash Thyself" podcast

”I felt the Reiki energy and took a deep short nap. it helps me to improve sleep and reduce stress.”

- Morteza Tabatabaei

"She helped me so much. I get very bad migraines. So bad that I have had to go to hospital. One day I was really sick with migraine and she did her reiki and some other stuff to reset my body balance and within 35/40 minutes my headache was gone. Completely!!! Awesome 🤩"

- Kelly Macleod


If you are seeking immediate healing at your own convenience, these Reiki recordings are ideal for any situation. You no longer need to schedule appointments as these recordings are just as effective as in-person sessions. You have the advantage of being able to listen to the recording whenever you feel the need for additional healing. With their ability to deliver instant healing and the flexibility to listen repeatedly, these Reiki recordings offer a truly transformative experience.

(Coming Soon)