Mentoring for The Courageous Souls

Do you feel stuck, depressed, trapped, uncertain about your life?

Perhaps you have been searching for guidance and trying to navigate through life's challenges without much direction. You have exhausted various resources, but despite your efforts, you still feel stuck.

It is also possible that you are intrigued by metaphysics and holistic healing, but uncertain about where to begin or who to trust. Whatever reason it may be that land you here.

If you find yourself here, my friend, it is not a coincidence. The first and most valuable advice I can offer is to always trust your intuition, even when it seems illogical.

If you sense the desire to collaborate with me, It would be my privileged to serve as your mentor. It is impossible to traverse the path of life unaccompanied, even with the presence of spirit guides, or support from loved ones. With countless sources of distortion in this world, it becomes challenging to receive their guidance. This is where a mentor like myself step in to aid you in navigating your unique journey.

Together, we can overcome obstacles, unveil hidden insights, and provide you with the support and direction you seek. Let us embark on this transformative journey hand in hand, as we unlock your true potential, regain your power, and find freedom in the entrapment of this world.

"Yes, I want to be happy, joyful, and empowered. I want to live the fullest life. I want to be free of the matrix."

Duration: 8 weeks

656 USD or 888 CAD

You can pay in two installments:
50% at the beginning of the first month, and the other 50% at the beginning of the second. Remember that with personalized mentoring, the monthly quotas are limited.

Why choose me as your mentor?

My qualification for mentoring doesn't stem from any degree or certificate, but rather from the achievements I have attained throughout my life. How can one be certified in life when there is no formal "life school"? Life itself is a school, and we are all students. But how can we navigate through life when most of us never have a life teacher. There is no specific formula how to live life. It is an unique learning process for each person. It is even harder when some of us do not have a good role model to look up to.

Who do we turn to for guidance and direction when we face tough times and difficult decisions? While friends and family can provide support, they may not always have the wisdom and knowledge to guide us in the right direction. This is where a mentor, like myself, comes in. As a mentor, I can help you navigate through life with more ease and less struggle. I can provide you with the advice and guidance you need to make informed choices and overcome obstacles, as well as tools you will need for emotional healing.

No one can navigate the journey of life alone. Over the past 9 years, I have received guidance, support, and healing from various sources, shaping me into the person I am today. While I may not possess a prestigious certificate to validate the greatness of my life, I carry within me a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, heightened awareness, and intuition. I believe that I have lived the life I envisioned for myself, and my accomplishments are a testament to this belief.

  1. Immigrated to Canada alone by myself from Vietnam

  2. Started a van life and traveled across Canada.

  3. Succeeded van life for over 6 years.

  4. Mastered the art of minimalism

  5. Created a Youtube channel

  6. Wrote a book (check out my book page to know more)

  7. Travelled around the world as a single female since I was 17

  8. Raised the best and cutest dog in the world that I adopted in Vietnam

  9. Healed my chronic hives

  10. Completed Reiki Master Teacher level

  11. Completed Professional Sound Healing Certificate

  12. Earned a Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Cornell University

  13. Quit Catholic church and dare to tell my religious mom about it.

  14. Forgave my father and re-establish a better relationship with him

  15. Forgave all my exes and those who have hurt me

And a lot more...


Before you decide whether you should work with me , please make sure you are qualified all the requirements below:

  • Commitment to personal growth.

I can't work with you if you're not willing to commit to the process and put in the work. In other to achieve result, you MUST do the work as instructed. It requires 2 to tango. You have to make this process your

  • Trust the process.

Before you decide to work with me, please make sure to check out all my social media present to see if you can connect with me, my philosophy, and my wisdom. We can't establish a productive relationship between a mentor and a mentee without trust. You can also schedule a 20 minute free consultation with me before committing to the process.

  • Be open minded.

If you can't be open minded, you can't learn new things, hence I have nothing to teach or guide you.

  • Zero tolerance for victim mentality

I am here to help you regain your power and find sovereignty. This means you have to let go of your victim mentality, otherwise I can't help you.

  • Watch my Youtube channel

This requirement is not to gain more views for my channel, but for you to determine whether you resonate with my energy and my teaching. I share many lessons and knowledge on my channel that you can learn and apply in your life.

I would describe my style of mentoring as intuitive mentoring blend with ancient wisdom of alchemy, and modern knowledge of subconscious reprogramming. By getting to know you and your life journey, I can tap into your energy to uncover where your wounds are, what is lurking in your shadow, and what needs to be let go of in order for you to restore balance in your life. Through this intuitive approach, I can guide and support you in navigating the challenges you face, helping you gain clarity and find healing.

By understanding your unique energy and personal experiences, I am able to provide guidance that is tailored to your specific needs, assisting you in the process of self-discovery and growth. With intuitive mentoring, I aim to create a safe, non judgmental, and nurturing environment where you can explore, heal, and thrive.

When selecting a mentor or coach, it is crucial, in my opinion, that their energy resonates with yours. To aid in your decision, I encourage you to explore my social media or media presence to get better acquainted with me and determine if we are a good fit. You can also learn a lot through all the knowledge I shared in my Youtube channel. I believe in the power of synchronicity; when a student is ready, the teacher will appear.

It is equally important to ascertain whether the teacher has truly lived what they teach and attained mastery in their own life. For me, mentoring goes beyond mere instruction; it combines acquired knowledge with the wisdom gained through personal experiences and utilizes intuition to guide the teaching process

My mentoring style and technique
view of two persons hands
view of two persons hands
silhouette of man and woman holding hands during sunset
silhouette of man and woman holding hands during sunset
Who you are
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silhouette of person
  • You have long desire to grow and improve yourself.

  • You are ready to make commitment with yourself no matter what

  • You have been feeling lost, trapped in a dark place, and have been looking for the light of the tunnel, or a guide to help you find a new direction in life.

  • Life has always been a constant struggle to you.

  • You're always stress out with either career, unsatisfied in relationships, or struggle with your health

  • You have done numerous research and learn about personal development, healing tools, law of attraction, etc. as well as attending workshops.

  • You are ready to have a personal guide to walk the path with you instead of being in the dark alone.

If all of the above sound like you, click the button below to connect with me and we can discuss how to get you out of the darkness and into a better days where you find more peace and freedom within yourself.

What to expect
person raising both hands
person raising both hands

The process of facing the ego isn't an enjoyable or a delightful one. It requires tremendous courage to face your inner darkness. It's only for the courageous souls who are ready to uplevel their ascension. Undoubtedly, there will be tears, lots of tears!

You will be triggered!

In fact, these triggers are necessary. Rumi said "the wound is where the light enters". If you're not triggered through this process, it means we're not successful on the healing process.

Uneasy hidden emotions that were long buried will resurface. However, this is exactly what needed for your healing journey. The dark shadow lies within you need to be brought to "the light", so you can recognize the lessons it has brought to you. Once the lesson is learned and acknowledged, this is where healing can occur. Trust the process, and trust that I will be there to guide you through it. Allow these heavy emotions to come up, and be willing to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the key to release the weight of the darkness that burdens you.

Many individuals have shared with me their lifelong struggle of battling their own shadows, yet they still find themselves in constant conflict with their inner selves. It is an endless cycle that seems impossible to overcome.

You can't extinguish hate with hate, it is a perpetual war.

Can you extinguish fire with fire? It makes no sense, does it?

We must seek a different approach, a new perspective that breaks this perpetual chain of suffering. Only then can we find peace and harmony within ourselves and with one another.

The journey to liberation from darkness and embracing our shadows entails a profound realization:

Love and compassion are the keys to freedom.

These shadows that linger within us serve a purpose, they carry important lessons that are crucial to our personal growth. To release our shadow selves, we must first comprehend the lessons they carry. Only then you can release this part of yourself, let it go with peace and love. It is through this transformative process that we unlock the ability to illuminate and transmute these darkened aspects of ourselves into radiant light.

Even though it may be an arduous and challenging journey, confronting and transmuting the shadow aspects of yourself is what needed for personal growth and transformation. This process allows you to shed the shadows that have hindered you from fully recognizing your true potential, inner divinity, and deepen the understanding of your authentic self. It enables you to embrace your true nature and experience the beauty and radiance that reside within.

Expected Outcomes

Some of the outcomes that I aim to help you achieve on your healing journey and more:

  • Shift your consciousness to a higher perspective of your life

  • Increase awareness of self and others

  • Find more balance and inner peace within yourself

  • Know yourself at the soul level

  • Connect with your higher self and with nature at a deeper level

  • Increase your sense of intuition

  • Heal your wounds and pain

  • Release fears and shadows that keep you stuck in suffering

  • Regain your power, and have more freedom to be your authentic self.

  • Gain courage to go after your dreams

  • Create healthy boundaries for yourself and others.

  • Obtain useful healing tools and knowledge that you can apply for the rest of your life.

man sitting on mountain cliff facing white clouds rising one hand at golden hour
man sitting on mountain cliff facing white clouds rising one hand at golden hour

It's going to work like this

Introduction form

I will send you a form to learn more about your business and expectations. This way I will know how to best guide you.

Mail support

I will set aside one day a week to answer all the questions you send me via email so you have ongoing support throughout the 8 weeks.

Initial live chat

In the first video call we will establish the guidelines to follow during our 8 weeks together.

Weekly Video calls

We will have a video call once a week. Each one will be one hour long. During our calls, I will review progress, discuss the next step, and assign homework for the week.

Bonus Gift

2 Reiki recordings to assist your healing journey ($15 value) and $10 off personalized Reiki session for 3 sessions.

1 to 1 mentoring

This mentoring is between the mentee and mentor: or, you and me. There will be no other people involved.


You will not receive pre-recorded material. I will be behind every video call and message you receive.


Through tailored sessions, I will help you discover and overcome any obstacles that may hinder your progress. Whether you aim to enhance your career, improve relationships, or simply find inner peace and balance, my holistic approach will empower you to create positive changes in your life.

Weekly email support

I will set aside one day a week to answer all the questions you send me via email so you have ongoing support throughout the 8 weeks.